December 17, 2006
It wasn't just his foreign policy

Jimmy Carter's foreign policy as president was based on fear. Carter was afraid of just about anything that moved. Carter was so afraid of getting in any sort of a fight (I'm not talking solely military here, I'm speaking diplomatically as well), that every two-bit thug and despot thought they could walk all over the […]

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December 17, 2006
Duke Lacrosse scandal

Unfortunately, I have to use the label headline above so that you'll quickly know what this post is about. To be more accurate, it should read something along the lines of "Durham County D.A. scandal." There's a couple of reasons why the alleged rape scandal at Duke University interests me. First, I played Lacrosse in […]

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December 16, 2006
Weekend update

Posting has been nearly non-existent this week because I'm currently sick with the world's worst cold/cough/sore throat/runny nose ailment. Before "The Sickness" hit me full force I was able to attend a portion of Thursday's Grossmont Union High School District Board meeting where Hoystory The Elder (aka "Mr. Wonderful") was sworn in. Pastor Ronnie Short […]

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December 14, 2006
Letter of the day's James Taranto is on vacation, but before he left he got a lot of letters reacting to Democrat Rep. Charlie Rangel's claim that the only reason people go into the military is because they can't get good jobs in the private sector. Taranto's been dribbling these letters out over the past few days, and […]

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December 13, 2006
Time for some law enforcement

It's bad enough when Jimmy Carter and "the Rev." Jesse Jackson do it, but when you are an elected official, I think it's even worse. Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) is going to meet with Syrian president dictator/terrorist Bashar Assad. In an end-run around the Bush administration, Sen. Bill Nelson is scheduled to meet with Syrian […]

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December 13, 2006
Reviewing Roggio

Some of you may be familiar with blogger Bill Roggio and his reports as an embed with troops in Iraq. The Christian Science Monitor ran an interesting article on Roggio yesterday and I just wanted to highlight one observation by the author, Dante Chinni. But while some might discount Roggio as a journalist who lets […]

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December 12, 2006
Stick that in your ear, Lee Corso

I hate Lee Corso. The ESPN college football commentator is ignorant, annoying and a waste of air time. The thing that solidified my view of Corso was 1992's Heisman Trophy race when Corso touted Miami QB Gino Torretta week after week over an obviously superior player -- Marshall Faulk. Torretta won, probably with some help […]

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December 11, 2006
Liar and fraud

Rick Richman over at Jewish Current Issues blog points out that the maps in Jimmy Carter's new book "I'm an anti-Semitic moron" "Palestine Peace not Apartheid" which were stolen from Middle East Special Envoy Dennis Ross are worse than simple plagiarism.

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December 11, 2006
Sunni, all look the same to...

Silvestre Reyes, the incoming chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Congressional Quarterly's National Security Editor, Jeff Stein, interviewed the last man standing after House Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi's holiday massacre of Reps. Jane Harman and Alcee Hastings. From Stein's report: Reyes stumbled when I asked him a simple question about al Qaeda at the end of […]

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December 9, 2006
Check your freezer

I just checked mine. I still don't have $90,000 in cash stuffed in a box of lasagna. However, this pesky bit of corruption presents no soul-searching for Rep. William Jefferson (D-Culture of Corruption) after he won re-election today. What will Nancy Pelosi do about the crook in her caucus. I'm sure she was hoping the […]

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