September 25, 2006
Catching up

I'd been meaning to get to this interview of former Washington Post senior political reporter Thomas Edsall by Hugh Hewitt last week. The entire transcript is worth a read, but I'm going to highlight a couple parts of it. HH: A proposition. The reason talk radio exploded, followed by Fox News, followed by the center-right […]

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September 25, 2006
Clinton vs. Chris Wallace

It's been all over the Internet for the past couple of days and this morning political junkies everywhere got to see the famous Bill Clinton anger on "Fox News Sunday." You can check out the video, along with a bunch of links here. There isn't much to say about this that hasn't been said, so […]

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September 24, 2006
The pursuit of the story

It's something they teach in journalism schools across the nation, but leave ultimately leave up to the individual's conscience: How far should you go in the pursuit of a story? It's an issue that more commonly crops up when you're dealing with the legal system here in the United States. Case in point: the two […]

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September 24, 2006
Freedom of the Press

I must confess that I read the feature pages of newspapers next to never. I generally stick to the news, sports and opinion pages. However, yesterday I was flipping through the Union-Tribune Web site when I came across this column by the paper's religion reporter Sandi Dolbee. Now, Dolbee has done some solid reporting from […]

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September 24, 2006

That's the number of career saves by San Diego Padres closer Trevor Hoffman has after today's 2-1 victory over the Pittsburgh Pirates. Congratulations Trevor! Oh, and congratulations on taking your dear, sweet time getting a story up More than 45 minutes after a Major League record is set, the MLB homepage looked like this:

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September 22, 2006
Eye to eye with a madman

Something positive may have come out of the Council On Foreign Relations meeting with Iranian "President" Mahmoud Ahmadinejad -- it looks like the influential group may have come to the conclusion that the head of state of Iran is a madman. According to Maurice R. Greenberg, a holocaust survivor and head of the Nixon Center, […]

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September 22, 2006
Interrogating the terrorists

The details still aren't clear, but it appears that CIA interrogators can aggressively question terrorist suspects without running afoul of the Geneva Conventions. Andrew McCarthy reports: Early predictions that the President was getting rolled seem to have been greatly exaggerated. And the McCain bloc got its principles validated without disabling the CIA program, which they […]

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September 21, 2006
Virginia is for anti-Semites

It doesn't have quite the kick that the "Virginia is for Lovers" campaign by the Virginia Convention and Visitors Bureau, but apparently for WUSA 9 TV, the voters in Virginia aren't fond of Jews (Hat tip: ThirtyAughtSix). In a promo for their sharp-as-a-bowling-ball reporter Peggy Fox, WUSA9 had this to say: Our Peggy Fox raised […]

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September 21, 2006
An inconvenient truth

After the mini-debate we've been having here over tough interrogation techniques and their use against terrorism suspects, I found the timing of this Bill O'Reilly interview with ABC reporter Brian Ross fortuitous. [Follow the link for video.] In the interview, Ross reveals that he has solid evidence from multiple sources that tough interrogation techniques (including […]

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September 21, 2006
Is our children learning?

A letter to the editor in Wednesday's Union-Tribune raises the question: What are they teaching in our schools? Two speeches, two agendas In his political cartoon Sept. 13 Steve Breen apparently wanted to compare Lincoln's Gettysburg Address to President Bush's 9/11 speech. The difference is that Lincoln's speech was designed to bring the country together. […]

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