October 20, 2006
Are New Jersey voters stupid?

Sen. Bob Menendez, who was appointed to his current job when John Corzine decided that he preferred running the state government, apparently believes that New Jersey voters are complete morons -- especially the Jews. Connecticut U.S. Sen. Joseph Lieberman's tough re-election fight has caused his Democratic colleagues in the Senate to walk a fine line, […]

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October 20, 2006
Newsroom culture

James Taranto over at OpinionJournal.com notes an unintentionally revealing story in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer on two women who are going to spend some not-serious-enough time in prison. "Jennifer Kolar and Lacey Phillabaum seem unlikely criminals," declares an article in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Well-educated young women passionate about environmental causes, they share a love of the […]

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October 19, 2006
Just say no to AG Moonbeam

It should come as no surprise that I'd suggest that you not vote for Jerry Brown for Attorney General of California. One of Brown's TV ads, however has been bugging me recently -- and I'm not the only one. Dale Franks over at QandO has some more background (see previous link), but I too was […]

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October 19, 2006
Hoystory endorses

For those of you living within the boundaries of the Grossmont Union High School District, Hoystory encourages you to vote for the following people for the school board: Richard "Dick" Hoy Andrew John "Andy" Sundstrom Ken Sobel Hoystory readers, being among the most intelligent people on the planet, will recognize that the first endorsee shares […]

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October 18, 2006
Greg Mitchell is an idiot

I don't know why I even bother scanning his Internet screeds, but the editor of Editor & Publisher is so blinded by liberal bias that it causes his brain not to work. Mitchell has taken up the cause of the politically motivated researchers at Johns Hopkins University who have come up with a number of […]

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October 18, 2006
Courtney Massengale

If you haven't read Anton Myrer's "Once an Eagle," you should. The more I hear from retired Gen. Wesley Clark, the more I'm reminded of Myrer's Courtney Massengale, an social climber who puts his own advancement above his concern for the men he is leading. Over at Vital Perspective, they have some links to a […]

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October 17, 2006
Lots of criminals

Well, it looks like the GOP may have its own version of Rep. Alan Mollohan (D-W.Va.) in Pennsylvania's Curt Weldon. Meanwhile, Senate Minority Leader Henry "Culture of Corruption" Reid was caught using campaign money to pay for personal expenses.

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October 17, 2006
Another voice on media transparency

I wrote pretty extensively earlier this month on the proposition that the American media would be better off if we admitted where our political interests lie even while striving to be fair and objective. The Fort Worth Star-Telegram's reader advocate (aka ombudsman) David House has weighed in on the subject and I think that despite […]

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October 16, 2006
Taking care of their own?

A judge today sentenced lawyer Lynne Stewart to 28 months in jail for helping a convicted terrorist continue to run his terrorism group from behind bars. She could've been sentenced to 30 years. Once again, it seems like judges aren't too well-equipped to prosecute the war on terrorism. "If you send her to prison, she's […]

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October 15, 2006
It's a tough headline to write

Scalia says Constitution silent on abortion, race in school Unfortunately, the Associtated Press did not run a word search on the Constitution to verify Scalia's statement. I watched part of the "debate" while flipping back and forth between CSPAN and the Chargers' demolition of the San Francisco 49ers. The video is available on the front […]

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