August 7, 2006
Hoy: Carter "worst ex-president" ever

The best thing that can be said about President Jimmy Carter's administration is that it was only four years long. The best thing about Carter's ex-presidency is his work with Habitat for Humanity. Just about everything Carter has done since he was booted out of the Oval Office in 1981 on the international stage has […]

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August 7, 2006
A primer for the anti-Christian conspiracy theorists

Kathleen Parker had an informative column in Sunday's Union-Tribune Insight section -- the headline says it all: "Christians have differing world views." Among paranoiacs who see a Jerry Falwell or a John Hagee in every burning bush, U.S. support for Israel isn't about protecting the only healthy democracy in the Middle East, but about advancing […]

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August 7, 2006
Reuters' shame

If you haven't been reading the blogs over the weekend, you missed a serious blow-up at the Reuters news agency. (Michelle Malkin has a helpful, link-filled post here.) One of Reuters' freelance photographers in Lebanon submitted at least two photos to the news agency, which then sent them out over the wires, that were Photoshopped […]

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August 7, 2006
Where are the conspiracy theorists?

Local congressman Darrell Issa (R-Vista) and Tom Davis (R) raised a ruckus last week over the possibility that the Interior Department may have covered-up some incompetence (or something more serious?) that resulted in billions of dollars in profits for oil companies. Here's the AP article. A Bloomberg version is here. From the Bloomberg version: The […]

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August 7, 2006
Blogging resumes

I'd apologize for the lack of blogging over the past few days, but you get what you pay for. I've been feeling seriously miserable with some sort of bug -- stomach cramps, fever, nausea -- and I blame global warming ... or Mexican food.

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August 2006



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