December 1, 2005
Fool of the day

Our fool of the day is Sarah Peake, selectwoman of Provincetown, Mass. Winter must come awfully early to that little spit of sand called Provincetown. The town isn't exactly Mayberry to begin with, if you know what I mean. But as the cold winds blow relentlessly down Commercial Street and the gray waves slap constantly […]

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December 1, 2005
Justice done

It's almost assured that Adrian Comacho will spend the rest of his too-long life on death row after a jury yesterday recommended the death penalty. Judges rarely depart from the jury's recommendation on life in prison or death, and this isn't a case where that's likely to occur. Full disclosure: I knew Officer Tony Zeppetella. […]

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November 30, 2005
Cunningham's replacement

In the coming weeks/months we're going to have a special election here in California's 50th Congressional District for someone to replace convicted felon Randy "Brother can you spare a Rolls Royce" Cunningham. Some of the more ignorant on the left end of the political spectrum believe that this is an excellent chance for Democrats to […]

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November 30, 2005
Check Specter's head

Apparently someone hit him with a tire iron and knocked some sense into him. WASHINGTON - Sen. Arlen Specter backed off a threat to have a Senate subcommittee investigate whether the NFL and the Philadelphia Eagles violated antitrust laws in their handling of Terrell Owens. Specter, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said yesterday that […]

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November 29, 2005
Silly liberal

I just wanted to highlight this letter in Wednesday's New York Times: To the Editor: I don't get it. According to his Princeton classmate Andrew P. Napolitano ("From Alito's Past, a Window on Conservatives at Princeton," front page, Nov. 27), Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr. "is so intellectually honest that he labored mightily to keep […]

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November 29, 2005
Making fools out of themselves

When politicians in Washington decided that it was time to get themselves on the evening news a few months ago, they decided to call a bunch of baseball players before their committee and question them about steroids. Well, they got themselves on TV, and earned the general public's disgust with their grandstanding. Not content to […]

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November 29, 2005
Ted Turner, nutjob

Ted "The Mouth" Turner once again opened his big mouth and demostrated that he never should've been allowed anywhere near a major news organization. Media mogul Ted Turner said Monday that Iraq is "no better off" following the U.S.-led invasion that ousted dictator Saddam Hussein in 2003. He must be watching too much CNN. Turner […]

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November 28, 2005
An education for Frank Rich

Be sure to check out this editorial from the New York Sun. The editorial takes New York Times columnist Frank Rich to task for playing fast and loose with the truth -- a not uncommon malady on the Times editorial pages.

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November 28, 2005
My congressman, the crook

Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham pleaded guilty today in federal court to tax evasion, wire and mail fraud and conspiring to accept bribes. As evidence of the sometimes unevenness of this business, the San Diego Union-Tribune first broke the story about Cunningham's windfall house sale which in turn prompted the federal investigation. Cunningham will rightly be […]

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November 28, 2005
"Collateral damage" in Iraq

Over at the Logic Times they have an analysis of the infamous Iraq Body Count numbers in light of the demographics of Iraq. Cutting to the chase -- the analysis shows that only approximately 948 civilians have been killed by coalition troops since the end of major combat operations -- not the 100,000 number promoted […]

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