December 15, 2005
Why Oregon sucks

I'm not talking about the football team, I'm talking about the state. I must confess that I haven't spent much time in the state. I lived in Aberdeen, Wash., for nearly two years, and I flew out of the Portland Airport a couple of times. I passed through the state on my way to that […]

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December 13, 2005
Merry Christmas/Banging the tip jar

For those of you who are wondering: "What can I get Matthew Hoy, my favorite blogger, for Christmas this year?" Well, you can find my Amazon wish list here. Of course, I always accept cash too, and you can use the Amazon or Paypal links on the left if you don't want to bother with […]

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December 13, 2005

Here's another sunset shot from Carlsbad. This time we have a seagull. A couple of updated notes on the Olympus E-500: The high-speed CompactFlash card arrived in the mail yesterday, and I can confirm that using the HQ 1/8 setting, which gives you roughly a 2.5 meg file size, you can take photos at 2.5 […]

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December 13, 2005
John Fund's shallow reporting

John Fund has a blurb in today's Political Diary (fourth item) on the Grossmont Union High School District here in eastern San Diego County. If you want to know what's going on in that district, Fund's piece is a horrible place to start. Let's start with the factual errors. Nonsense, says Ron Nehring, the […]

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December 13, 2005

I long for competitive Congressional elections in this country. Unfortunately, after the 2000 census in California, the Republicans and Democrats got together in a corrupt bargain and made sure to create districts which were "safe" for each party -- cementing Democrat control of the state for the next decade and making it difficult/impossible for moderate […]

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December 13, 2005
Tookie dead

Good riddance to bad rubbish. *UPDATE* Story here.

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December 12, 2005
Anti-religious bigotry

About this time two years ago former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean was leading the race for the Democrat nomination for president and trying to broaden his appeal by touting his religious beliefs. I don't know about the state of Dean's relationship with God, but whatever it is, he didn't represent it well publicly. When chided […]

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December 12, 2005
Citizen legislators?

Way back when, "politician" wasn't a career choice -- it was something that you did for a short period of time in between real, productive jobs. Of course, for at least the last century, it has become a career for many -- including anyone named "Kennedy." However, there are still a few who hold on […]

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December 12, 2005
Tookie's gonna die

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has finally done something right -- he's refused to bow to Hollywood pressure and grant clemency to unrepentant multiple-murderer Stanley "Tookie" Williams. The basis of Williams' clemency request is not innocence. Rather, the basis of the request is the "personal redemption Stanley Williams has experienced and the positive impact of the message […]

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December 12, 2005
Karl Rove takes job as chief D.C. correspondent for ABC News

OK, that would really never happen because Rove is a partisan political animal, right? Well, it happens all the time -- if you're a Democrat. Nope, no media bias here.

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