February 16, 2004
Think this might be relevant?

The Alabama National Guard base commander who Democrats have cited as an authority on "Bush never showed up" claim, suffers from Alzheimer's. Retired Brig. Gen. William Turnipseed, the 187th's Tactical Reconnaissance Group's former commander, recanted his statement that he couldn't remember if Bush reported for duty, now saying his memory is faulty because he's in […]

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February 16, 2004
Whistleblower vs. thief

Senate Democrats have revealed the party affiliations of these two types of people. A whistleblower is always a Democrat and a thief is always a Republican. And Democrats accuse Republicans of always seeing things in black and white.

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February 15, 2004
Krauthammer at the AEI

Columnist Charles Krauthammer gave the annual Irving Kristol lecture last week at the American Enterprise Institute. You can find the text of his talk here. It's long, but I can't emphasize enough how worthwhile it is for every American in this post-9/11 world. Krauthammer divides foreign policy into four major schools of thought and the […]

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February 15, 2004
More on possible Kerry affair

Britain's Sun newspaper is reporting that the "other woman" in Sen. John Kerry's alleged affair has recorded a tell-all interview with an American TV network. According to the paper, the network is sitting on the tape until they can verify the woman's story to their satisfaction. I'm curious as to which network has the interview […]

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February 14, 2004
Five stars

From a reader in San Diego, Calif.: Hoystory is the best blog in the history of the Internet, nay the World. Never before has their been a Web site with such depth and breadth. Hoystory stands as a colossus astride the blogosphere, blotting out the inconsequential and overrated -- such as Instapundit, Altercation, Kausfiles and […]

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February 12, 2004
Politics and history

Last weekend I finally got around to seeing "The Pianist." The movie is the story of Polish Jewish concert pianist Wladyslaw Szpilman and how he survived World War II through luck and the help of friends and other people who risked their lives to save him from the concentration camps. There are several scenes in […]

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February 12, 2004
New hope for Edwards, Dean

Well, it appears as though Sen. John Kerry has a a little Bill Clinton problem. According to Matt Drudge, Kerry apparently had a recent (read 2002 or sooner) affair with an intern. The question is, what does this mean for the primary campaign, assuming there is enough information to corroborate the reports? This could turn […]

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February 11, 2004
Multilateralism or unilateralism?

A New York Times editorial today on the deteriorating situation in Haiti and calls on the United States to get involved -- without U.N. approval. Essay Questions: 1. Detail the differences between Iraq's and Haiti's "democratically elected" presidents and the treatment of their people. 2. Compare and contrast Haiti and Iraq's roles in the war […]

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February 11, 2004
How do you know when you're persona non grata

So, Donald Luskin gets quoted in the New York Times as part of a non-Paul Krugman related story. Now, not only did the reporter apparently mischaracterize the substance of Luskin's position, but also screwed up the name of his company. So today's Times runs the following correction on the name mistake -- not the substance […]

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February 10, 2004
Kerry's big media supporters

From London's Guardian newspaper: Fresh from his latest win in Maine, the favourite to challenge George Bush for the US presidency has secured the financial support of some of the most powerful media moguls in the world. As John Kerry's campaign to secure the Democrat nomination - and with it a crack at the White […]

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