April 25, 2004
If Bush had said it

Slate editor Jacob Weisberg has made a tidy sum from his collections of "Bushisms" -- verbal flubs made by President George W. Bush. For those of you who missed it, Eugene Volokh over at the Volokh Conspiracy demonstrated the how far, and how lame, the Bushisms have sunk -- hoisting Weisberg on his own petard. […]

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April 25, 2004
The Lies of John F. Kerry

If you go to Amazon.com and type: "Bush Lies" into the search engine, you come up with a plethora of left-wing novels: "Big Lies," "The Lies of George W. Bush," "Bushwacked!," "Big Bush Lies," etc., ad infinitum. Lying is endemic to politicians, but in recent years Democrats have come to believe that only Republicans -- […]

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April 25, 2004
Get a Waaaaaaaaaaahmbulance

The New York Times last week screwed up (yeah, I know this isn't news). Thursday's New York Times misidentified GOP Senate candidate Pete Coors as a Ku Klux Klan member who murdered a black sharecropper. The Coors campaign found the error "so outrageous it's kind of funny," said spokeswoman Cinamon Watson. "It could have been […]

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April 23, 2004
A true hero

Former Arizona Cardinal football star Pat Tillman, who gave up a multi-million dollar contract to join the Army after the 9/11 attacks on the U.S. has been killed in a firefight in Afghanistan. Once again, this puts a lie to the contention that those who join the military do so only because they're poor and […]

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April 23, 2004
Get a grip

Some reporters and editors at The New York Times have all sorts of psychological problems -- most seriously, delusions of grandeur. Editor (Peter) Putrimas was angrier than a metrosexual out of hair gel - especially when I called Times editors "largely unseen boobs." "A Jayson Blair slipped through our net and now we must pay […]

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April 23, 2004
Not on the Web

Well, at least it's not anywhere I can find it, but Tony Snow was playing some comments from yesterday's Earth Day photo op/campaign stop by John Kerry. (Tony Snow is on tape delay in San Diego, so I heard him on my way home.) Kerry's comment was something to the effect: We have the potential […]

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April 21, 2004
Know thy enemy

Frank J. over at IMAO has an excellent post on the Iraqi insurgents. * The Iraqis violently fighting against the coalition are a minority, and thus should be given preference in hiring and college admissions. * Some people are against America because they actually liked rule under Saddam. Hey, if they liked torture and oppression, […]

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April 21, 2004
Book Review

Just finished reading the inexpensive, paperback edition of Mona Charen's "Useful Idiots." The book is well written and would serve as a balance to much of the revisionism that seems to go on nowadays when it comes to opinions regarding communism. You can still find devoted communists and sympathizers nowadays -- just go to any […]

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April 21, 2004
More Gorelick

Andrew McCarthy, a former U.S. attorney who has been watchdogging 9/11 commissioner Jamie Gorelick's conflicts of interest, has another piece on the controversy over at National Review Online. Under the circumstances as they exist, we can have either of two things: (a) nine commissioners, access to all essential witnesses, and no interested witness shaping the […]

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April 20, 2004
Democracy for China

Vice President Dick Cheney spoke live and uncensored on Chinese Television -- for those who were lucky enough to be channel-surfing and catch it. There was no notice of the speech on television or the newspapers before the speech actually occurred. But the broadcast received no advance promotion or even a listing in the Chinese […]

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