December 10, 2004
Heisman note

I just wanted to point ot this New York Times story on two of the Heisman finalists -- Reggie Bush and Alex Smith -- who happened to be high school teammates. That high school is also my alma mater Helix High School.

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December 10, 2004
He's back!

New York Times hack Paul Krugman has come back from his work on a economics textbook (it is unclear whether he is writing one or reading one) to warn about the horrors of making any changes to Social Security. On Tuesday, Krugman denied that there even is a crisis looming for the program as Baby […]

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December 10, 2004
CBS News and the forged documents

There's been chatter going around that the report on the investigation of the forged Bush National Guard memos will come out today. I tend to think that while a Clintonesque late-Friday-afternoon-document-dump is likely, I happen to think it will be a different Friday -- the one two weeks from today. As that report nears finality, […]

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December 9, 2004
The danger of anonymous sources

The use of anonymous sources in journalism is usually discussed in college classrooms in a variety of courses, such as reporting and ethics. Once the student graduates to a real newsroom, all of the pros and cons that were the subject of debate in the classroom seem to just disappear, especially in the so-called elite […]

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December 8, 2004
Excellent article

I saw this story come over the wire this afternoon, and was shocked and moved by it. It requires free registration, but it's well worth it.

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December 7, 2004
This is cool

A local genius (I'm being serious this time) invented a device that uses energy from ocean waves to create electricity -- winning $100,000 in a contest sponsored by the Siemens Foundation. (When I was in high school, it was known as the Westinghouse Competition.) For fun, Aaron (Goldin), a straight-A student, spent two years working […]

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December 7, 2004
I can't make this up

From England's The Register newspaper: Study: PCs make kids dumber Students who use computers frequently at school perform worse than their peers at maths and reading. Yeah, but how does it affect their writings?

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December 7, 2004
Winning the lottery

Now that this couple has won the lottery, there's no reason why I shouldn't be next. The latest winners of the California SuperLotto Plus jackpot say they haven't thought about what they'll buy for themselves, but they do know what they'll do for newborn babies. Debi Faris-Cifelli and her husband Steve, who provide funerals for […]

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December 7, 2004
The spiked column

Lt. Smash has acquired a copy of the James Goldsborough column that resulted in Goldsborough deciding to quit. I would like to emphasize that I didn't give it to him. Frankly, I'm surprised it hasn't shown up over at Poynter.

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December 7, 2004
It all depends on who's in power

Juan Non-Volkoh points out the changing positions of Duke law professor Erwin Chemerinsky. In short, when Democrats use the filibuster, it's a good thing. When Republicans use it, it's a bad thing. Isn't utilitarianism a wonderful thing?

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