December 30, 2004
Washington Governor's race

Late yesterday, Republican Dino Rossi requested a revote in the Washington Governor's race. Democrat Christine Gregoire currently has a highly suspect 129 vote lead. There's a lot to read over at Sound Politics. However, I would like to highlight two posts. First, this one by a voter who didn't get her vote counted -- and […]

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December 30, 2004

Minneapolis Star-Tribune columnist Nick Coleman apparently went off his medication when he wrote this rant against the Powerline bloggers. Instapundit has a roundup of links, but old axiom about having a battle of wit with an unarmed man comes to mind. Maureen Dowd won a Pulitzer Prize. Nick Coleman is (I'm certain) a handsomely paid […]

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December 30, 2004

It's always helpful when someone who once had a modicum of respect and prestige does something so outrageous that it allows you to more definitively identify their particular type of ... moonbat. Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark -- the man who was once America's top law enforcement officer -- has joined Saddam Hussein's legal […]

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December 29, 2004
This is funny too... a sad sort of way.

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December 29, 2004
Would you like some cheese with that whine?

Today's Washington Post has a front-page article on the Bush administration's response to the earthquake and subsequent tsunami in the Indian Ocean. The Bush administration more than doubled its financial commitment yesterday to provide relief to nations suffering from the Indian Ocean tsunami, amid complaints that the vacationing President Bush has been insensitive to a […]

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December 28, 2004
Laugh of the day

This is hysterical.

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December 28, 2004
Denial isn't just a river in Egypt

Washington Post TV critic and avowed liberal Tom Shales has a brief year-in-review column which contains the following gem: Even bashing Bush might be interpreted as endangering the troops -- hogwash that nonetheless got plenty of circulation. Tireless press critics during war or peacetime, the conservatives were handed a valuable new weapon when CBS News […]

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December 28, 2004
Yep, that was my thought too

USA Today founder Al Neuharth wrote in his Christmas column that the Iraq War is wrong -- unlike World War II. Neuharth is a WWII veteran, but at his advanced age, but it is apparent his memory is going. Despite unhappy holidays, nearly all of us who served in WWII were proud, determined and properly […]

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December 27, 2004

It's a psychological term for attributing your own opinions, insecurities on someone else. Today's case study is Wade R. Sanders, who has an op-ed piece in The San Diego Union-Tribune. It's readily apparent that the only person Sanders dislikes more than President Bush is Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Most of the piece is the standard […]

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December 27, 2004
Let freedom ring

The pro-west opposition candidate in Ukraine, Viktor Yuschenko appears to have won the latest, valid election for president in that country. Michael Ledeen has a few things to say in light of this development. For those of us who have long preached the power of democratic revolution, it's a happy day, and I hope that […]

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