July 8, 2003
For Love or Money

I usually don't watch so-called reality shows, the reason being that no one acts "real" when they've got a camera crew following them around or some host asking them to do ridiculous things. But, since my work shift changed to Tues. through Sat. (not really good for the social life of a single man) I've […]

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July 8, 2003
Give the New York Times credit

But not a whole lot. Today the Times published an op-ed piece by Reps. Earl Blumenauer and Jim Leach which reveals to readers that both Republicans and Democrats play the gerrymandering game. That's not quite the picture a reader would get if they'd only read Times editorials on the subject, specifically as it pertains to […]

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July 8, 2003
Bon mots

Today's "Best of the Web" has an item on a school board member who had to apologize for his insensitivity after "telling people at a recent committee meeting 'to keep your comments like a woman's skirt: long enough to cover the subject, but brief enough to keep me interested." Some people may take offense at […]

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July 7, 2003
Conservative white male = racist?

Talk about stereotypes. (I would argue that liberal white males are more likely to be racist in the way they treat minorities as barely competent children who somehow need a helping hand from the more privilged.) But the comment that prompts this post has to do with my alma mater, Cal Poly SLO. It seems […]

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July 7, 2003
California politics, housing costs and Gray Davis

The Sacramento Bee's Dan Walters had an interesting column in today's paper regarding household plumbing. To make a long story shorter, some municipalities and counties in California allow plastic pipes for home construction. Because it takes less skill (and union members) to install plastic piping versus copper piping, unions have long opposed the cheaper product. […]

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July 5, 2003
The Democrats' modus operandi

Remember the endangered school lunch program the Newt Gingrich and his Republican cohorts were trying to "cut" back in the mid-90s? The "cut" was a reduction in the rate of increase (if I get a 3 percent pay raise one year and a 2 percent pay raise the next, has my pay been cut?), but […]

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July 4, 2003
Religion of Peace update

Unsatisfied with blowing up Jews, Christians or Buddhists, those adherents to the "Religion of Peace," aka Islam, have decided to blow up some of their own. A suicide attack today in a mosque packed with worshipers killed more than 30 people and sent enraged Shiite Muslims on a rampage through the capital of Baluchistan province […]

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July 4, 2003
Sing it again, Willie

Country music legend and tax cheat Willie Nelson has endorsed Rep. Dennis Kucinich's bid for the Democratic presidential nomination. "I am endorsing Dennis Kucinich for president, because he stands up for heartland Americans who are too often overlooked and unheard," Nelson said. "A Kucinich administration will put the interests of America's family farmers, consumers and […]

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July 3, 2003
So you say it's your birthday?

Well, it's my birthday too! Really, it is. This month my birthday miraculously coincides with the monthy banging-of-the-tip-jar (links are on the left). Well-known bloggers like Andrew Sullivan raise tens of thousands of dollars on occassions such as this -- and I set my sights much lower. If giving money isn't your thing, I've created […]

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July 3, 2003
Look Ma! No brains!

Ever since there have been car stereos, there has been people willing to spend ridiculous amounts of money on them. When I was attending Helix High School, Matt Sobke spent about $3,000 on his car stereo system. As if that amount of money wasn't ridiculous enough, the car that he put the stereo system in […]

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