December 20, 2003
One man's genocidal despot is another's former president

The BBC, its moral vacuum rivaling a moderate-sized black hole, has banned its reporters from referring to Saddam Hussein as a tyrant or dictator, in favor of "the deposed former President." One anonymous BBC staffer has some sense: “This is our daftest order ever.” Well, maybe not ever, but it definitely makes the Top 10.

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December 19, 2003
Secularism above all else

France is considering a law that would ban Muslim girls from wearing (the required) headscarves at public schools. In the interest of fair treatment, also banned would be "ostentatious" or "large" crosses, crucifixes, yarmukles and the Star of David. Of course, what is "large" or "ostentatious" is always open to interpretation. While a headscarf or […]

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December 18, 2003
The only Michael Jackson comment that I will make:

The New York Post is reporting that Michael Jackson, facing child molestation charges, has joined the Nation of Islam. My question: Don't you have to be black to join?

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December 18, 2003
More on the break-up of the Episcopal Church

Christopher Johnson has been doing an excellent job over at the Midwest Conservative Journal covering the fallout from the Episcopal Church's decision that all that stuff in the Bible about homosexuality is just outdated moralizing that God wasn't really serious about. The latest: The Anglican Church in Uganda (the Episcopal Church is the American branch […]

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December 17, 2003
More on bad (mostly TV) reporting

The Media Research Center has announced its annual awards for the worst media reporting. I'd seen many of them, but to read all of them collected in just one place...and some think the media leans right.

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December 17, 2003
Stupid infobox of the year

OK, maybe there have been some dumb ones, but the one showing on Hannity & Colmes on Fox News reads: CAPTURE OF SADDAM HUSSEIN Saddam reportedly said "My name is Saddam Hussein" And this is suppose to inform me how? It'd be more interesting if it had read: Only true statement Saddam has told interrogators […]

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December 16, 2003
More funny corrections from the paper of record

What's going on with the copy desk over at The New York Times? An article on Friday about the views of L. Paul Bremer III, the American administrator in Iraq, about the country's future misstated the weight of the bombs that United States forces have dropped recently on sites believed to harbor urban guerrillas. They […]

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December 16, 2003
Mark Steyn on Howard Dean

Wednesday's Wall Street Journal has another great piece (aren't they all) by Mark Steyn. There was a revealing moment on MSNBC the other night. Chris Matthews asked Dr. Dean whether Osama bin Laden should be tried in an American court or at The Hague. "I don't think it makes a lot of difference," said the […]

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December 16, 2003
Ignorance about Social Security

David Hogberg has an excellent fisking of a Des Moines Register editorial opposing any partial privatization of Social Security and painting an unduly rosy view of the trust fund's future. The truth is that the second receipts into Social Security don't cover the payments, and they have to dip into all of those IOUs, we're […]

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December 16, 2003
Point for our side

London's Guardian newspaper reported on a rally in Saddam Hussein's hometown of Tikrit. The U.S. soldiers and Iraqi cops present deserve a nomination for the Comeback of the Year award. In the same northern Iraqi town yesterday, about 700 people rallied, chanting: "Saddam is in our hearts, Saddam is in our blood." US soldiers and […]

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