November 7, 2002
San Diego-area residents

A friend of mine, Sean Papiro, has leukemia. He's been through several rounds of chemotherapy and radiation in an attempt to treat it, and the treatments have been mostly unsuccessful. What he needs now is a bone-marrow transplant. Unfortunately, unlike blood-type matches, bone marrow is much more difficult to match. So, this Sunday, November 10 […]

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November 7, 2002
A book report -- sort of

I finished reading Stephen Coonts' latest paperback novel America yesterday. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Coonts' work, the 1991 movie "Flight of the Intruder" was based on his novel. Where Tom Clancy has Jack Ryan, Coonts has Jake Grafton. The reason I enjoy many of today's techno-thrillers, as the genre is commonly […]

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November 7, 2002
What alternate universe is Terry McAuliffe in?

I'm watching CSPAN's coverage of Democratic Party Chairman Terry McAuliffe Wednesday speech on Tuesday's election results, and I'm thinking -- the guy is smoking crack. He seems just like a little boy who sees something he doesn't like and who sticks his fingers in his ears, shuts his eyes tight and dances around whining "nyah, […]

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November 6, 2002
Saddam responds to U.S. elections

Iraqi president Saddam Hussein reacted to news of American President George W. Bush's GOP party victory in Tuesday's elections, saying that it was a repudiation of the American "cowboy" president's unpopularity. Saddam noted that the GOP had a slim majority in its Senate and House -- whereas the Iraqi democracy showed that Hussein had the […]

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November 6, 2002
Shows you how much pull I have

Final results are in and it looks like it will be an interesting four years in the Grossmont Union High School District. The three nutcases won. I'm not sure how much credit/blame to give the local Republican party, but they're going to have egg on their face. *ON A RELATED NOTE* It appears that the […]

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November 5, 2002
I voted -- have you?

Well, I've successfully cast my largely-meaningless, mostly-Republican ballot in this mostly-Democratic state. There were no real lines to report. No jack-booted thugs at the polls intimidating me. And no one who seemed to have any real problems. The woman in front of me in line was not on the registrar's list. The solution: she was […]

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November 5, 2002
Sometimes the political parties are just stupid

Evidence of this fact for the Democratic Party was last week's memorial pep rally for the late Sen. Paul Wellstone. Evidence of this fact for the GOP, locally at least, comes in the form of a door-hanger the San Diego County Republican Party was handing out last week. It's what you would expect from any […]

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November 5, 2002
Scorecard to the 2002 election

The Wall Street Journal has put a useful article up on its Web site that should prove useful in helping you keep track of what the election returns mean. Print it out and set it by the TV as you watch the returns roll in -- it will help a lot.

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November 3, 2002
Sunday School teachers to the rescue

There's an excellent article in today's Wall Street Journal by Brendan Minter on a link between fighting terrorism and men of faith.

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November 3, 2002
A good omen on the horizon

I've been searching for a condo here in San Diego and there isn't much out there for someone who works at a newspaper. A second income would certainly help, but I have yet to find a woman willing to tie the knot. Today's New York Times has an article on the affordable-housing crisis in the […]

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