November 14, 2002
So selfish that it kills

The New York Times' Nicholas Kristof had an op-ed piece in yesterday's paper making an argument for paying people to donate their organs. There is an unecessary shortfall when it comes to organ donation in this country -- and its almost criminal. I have no doubt that there are many people who decline to donate […]

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November 13, 2002
That's a good idea

National Review Online's Jay Nordlinger's "Impromptus" column has this little item: I’m a little confused by something I read: ?Iran’s hard-line judiciary today sentenced an outspoken reform activist to death, 8 years in jail, 74 lashes, and a 10-year ban from teaching.? So, what’s the deal here? The execution comes after the eight years in […]

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November 12, 2002
Sin of omission

Wednesday's New York Times has an article on Senate confirmations of Bush's judicial nominations now that Republican control of the chamber is imminent. The Democrat-controlled committee, along with the Times' editorial page, has come out against many of Bush's appeals court nominees (including those who have been rated well-qualified by the American Bar Association), because […]

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November 12, 2002
Religion of Tolerance

Memri has translated an article written by a Coptic Christian from Egypt, who described some of the experiences Christians have in Saudi Arabia, that peace-loving state. Saudi customs list of contraband material includes -- in addition to drugs, liquor, pornographic material and the like --anything in the shape of the cross, even if only in […]

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November 12, 2002
The French Forget

For more than five decades, the French people have found themselves protected from external threats because of the presence of American troops in Europe. Because of the U.S. presence, Western Europe has enjoyed peace and prosperity. Unfortunately, the French have forgotten what they've received. On the other hand, the people of Romania, recently freed from […]

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November 11, 2002
Terror apologists take note

"Best of the Web Today's" James Taranto points out this story regarding an Al Qaeda plot to assassinate Pope John Paul II. Taranto then makes the following astute observation: Is this because the Vatican is too pro-Israel, or because of the troops it stations in Saudi Arabia? Most of us get it. Arab terrorists (or […]

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November 9, 2002
College football's amateur broadcasts

The major networks usually do a passably good job. ESPN and Fox Sports can be hit-or-miss. But the third-level sports networks can really stink it up. I just got done watching the decidedly ugly football game that was San Diego State vs. New Mexico. If the play on the field wasn't bad enough, the broadcast […]

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November 8, 2002
This is funny

The latest Toles cartoon is a hoot.

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November 8, 2002
Sometimes I think he does it just to goad me

I'd been avoiding writing critiques/responses to the lame columns by New York Times columnist Paul Krugman recently. I'd just gotten tired of his constant, inane carping and he hadn't written anything really ludicrous (for him, that is) ... until today. Krugman decries the stupidity of the national electorate of handing over the executive and legislative […]

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November 7, 2002
Lies, damn lies

The Washington Post's Howard Kurtz pointed me to this column by Salon's Joe Conason -- and this damn lie -- a kind that is too common nowadays. Whatever eventually happens in Louisiana, the Democrats have lost control of the Senate. The nation will return almost immediately to the Republican domination of the executive, legislative and […]

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