January 7, 2002

The United Kingdom's Daily Telegraph warns people not to mess with the United States. AN American special forces team was credited yesterday with the deaths of 1,300 Taliban and al-Qa'eda fighters and the destruction of more than 50 tanks and other pieces of heavy weaponry. The so-called A-team, codenamed Tiger 03, which directed American bombers […]

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January 7, 2002

This just in: Geraldo has killed Osama bin Laden!

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January 7, 2002

If the Palestinians really wanted peace with Israel, why were they seeking 50 tons of weapons? The captain of the ship that Israeli forces stopped last week has said that the arms were destined for the Palestinian Authority, in violation of the Oslo Accords. Of course, those have been worthless for quite awhile.

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January 7, 2002

There's a pretty good piece in The New Yorker about the New York Times biographical sketches of victims of the Sept. 11 terror attacks. The features, entitled "Portraits of Grief" were short, but insightful and cathartic. Otherwise, as Jan Hoffman, who began working on "Portraits of Grief" during its second week and eventually wrote almost […]

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January 7, 2002

Well, the New York Times has finally joined the chorus calling for the Senate to act on President Bush's nominations of Eugene Scalia and Otto Reich.

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January 7, 2002

Today's Washington Post has an excellent article on the lawsuit by Air Force Lt. Col. Martha McSally's lawsuit contending that the U.S. policy that women stationed in Saudi Arabia wear the dress of the women in that nation, and follow the strict Islamic customs is in violation of the First Amendment. Women in Saudi Arabia […]

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January 6, 2002

Note to Sen. Tom Daschle and the Democrats critical of last year's tax cut. If the tax cut is the problem, like you say it was, then REPEAL IT. Don't even bring it up if you're not opposed to it enough to propose getting rid of it.

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January 4, 2002

Even before the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 increased the media's focus Afghanistan, stories of what Afghan Christians faced could be found buried in the back pages of newspapers across the country. Saturday's Washington Post recounts the story of a learned Afghan man who owned two Bibles, but was not a Christian. The Taliban guards […]

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January 4, 2002

Looks like the record industry's efforts to put copy protection on their CDs may be illegal. According to a CNET news report, a 1992 law allows consumers to make personal copies of music, in return, the record labels get a few cents for each blank, recordable CD sold. On Friday, Rep. Rick Boucher, D-Va., sent […]

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January 4, 2002

This week's "Houses of Worship" essay in the Wall Street Journal makes several important points. One of the most important points is the falsity of the argument that America's "War on Terror" is a modern-day crusade against Islam. The United States is looking to kill terrorists, who happen to be Muslim. There is no effort […]

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