January 24, 2002

In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr's birthday, USA Today ran a half-page article highlighting the fact that there is currently not a single black or hispanic governor or senator. CNN's Jeff Greenfield followed on Tuesday night with the following: 1982, Tom Bradley running for governor of California. Ahead in the polls on election day, […]

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January 22, 2002

In today's "Best of the Web Today" at the Wall Street Journal's Web site reports that my least favorite attorney, Alan Dershowitz, has come out for allowing the torture of terror suspects. In an op-ed in the San Francisco Chronicle, Dershowitz proposes: The suspect would be given immunity from prosecution based on information elicited by […]

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January 22, 2002

It didn't take long, The New York Times has come out with the curious conclusion that the Enron debacle will provide a new impetus for the passage of campaign-finance reform. Thankfully, this wouldn't be the first time that the Times' page was wrong. First off, let's recount what happened. As Moody's was pondering whether or […]

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January 22, 2002

There's reports out that we may have bugged a plane intended for use by Chinese President Jiang Zemin. I'm going to echo the statement made by Wall Street Journal columnist Tunku Varadarajan: "I'm glad our spooks are doing their job. And I hope that those 27 bugs were the ones the Chinese were meant to […]

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January 22, 2002

Zero-Tolerence Stupidity: I've never been impressed by the so-called zero-tolerance craze. Too often it takes common sense out of the equation, and just ends up being stupid. In the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks, the airlines have taken to confiscating toenail clippers in passengers carry-on bags. Sorry, but if someone tries to hijack a […]

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January 21, 2002

National Review's Larry Kudlow addresses the Enron failure -- and he's got it exactly right. This isn't about politics or campaign-finance reform -- it's about the law. The Enron and Arthur Andersen folks are crooks. Big-time crooks, but crooks nonetheless. Jail 'em. All the Enron and Arthur Andersen principals, and then some. Why? To save […]

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January 21, 2002

I've never been particularly enamored of so-called human rights watchdogs like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. They're havens for limousine liberals whose main concern is cop-killers like Mumia Abu Jamal, and not for truly oppressed, like Christians in Sudan, Indonesia and China. An excellent article in today's Wall Street Journal echoes this complaint and […]

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January 19, 2002

Bernard Goldberg, author of the best-selling book Bias, strikes back in an op-ed piece in today's Washington Post. Both Michael Kinsley and Tom Shales had assailed Goldberg's work, using mainly ad hominem attacks. After presenting his liberal bona fides -- Goldberg voted for presidential candidate George McGovern -- Goldberg tackles the bias issue again. While […]

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January 19, 2002

My crack about accounting firm Arthur Andersen and energy giant Enron's accounting practices being those heretofore used only by the federal government seems to have resonated. I'm not saying that Cartoonist Tom Toles got his idea from me, but great minds do think alike.

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January 19, 2002

So, China has found about 20 bugs on a plane built in the U.S. for President Jiang Zemin. Well, what do you expect? We just wanted to know how much money the Chinese would be demanding the next time one of their hot-shot pilots rams into one of our surveillance planes over international waters.

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