August 18, 2002
More bad journalism at the New York Times

Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer attacks the Times effort to classify former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger as part of a group opposed to attacking Iraq. The egregious part of the story was the touting of Henry Kissinger as one of the top Republican leaders breaking with Bush over Iraq. This revelation was based on […]

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August 18, 2002
Everybody does it

While Democrats are screaming to know how much influence Enron may have had on President Bush's energy policy, Time magazine reveals that -- oops the Clinton administration was listening to Enron too. Long before Cheney's task force met with Enron officials and included their ideas in Bush's energy plan, Clinton's energy team was doing much […]

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August 18, 2002
The New York Times is "middle of the road"

After this announcement, I don't think it can continue to make this claim. Poll after poll shows a vast majority of Americans oppose same-sex marriages. Yet, this move by the Times puts same-sex ceremonies on the same level with traditional marriage and blurs the line. Just another step down the slippery slope of normalizing abnormal […]

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August 16, 2002
Krugman watch

Still no correction forthcoming on the Bush/Rangers faux pas. I'm thinking that if they were going to fix it, they'd have done it by now. Krugman's column today is the kind of thing that could eventually win him some awards -- if he'd stick with economic issues instead of partisan attacks he'd get farther...and I'd […]

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August 16, 2002
Almost Best of the Web Today

In additon to e-mailing the Glenn Reynolds over at Instapundit about Eric Alterman's comments (see below), I sent a similar e-mail to's "Best of the Web Today." Best of the Web did assail Alterman for his comment, but didn't link to me. Even though I'm listed as a contributor down at the bottom. […]

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August 16, 2002
Fact-checking Alterman

I don't often check Alterman's blog, but I checked it out today and was shocked by what he said. Marwan Barghouti, as I understand it, plans and helps execute attacks against Israelis only in the occupied territories, where right-wing and opportunist Israelis have chosen to put themselves and their families at risk on land to […]

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August 14, 2002
U.S. legal system, part two

Omer Salmain Saleh Bakarbashat, a Yemeni national in the U.S. illegally and scooped up in the post-Sept. 11 sweep of illegal aliens has pleaded guilty to immigration violations and awaits deportation. The San Diego Union-Tribune has an excellent article on Bakarbashat in which he makes the following observations of the U.S. justice system Though he […]

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August 14, 2002
Cruel and unusual...lawyers

Texas executed a Mexican-national cop-killer earlier today. The following line in the Associated Press story caught my eye. Besides raising claims about the treaty violations in their appeal to the Supreme Court, Suarez's lawyers said his 14 execution dates since his 1989 conviction amounted to unconstitutional cruel and unusual punishment. Why has there been 14 […]

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August 14, 2002
The most intelligent person named Ramesh

That would be National Review's Ramesh Ponnuru who has an excellent, well-reasoned piece on human cloning. An excerpt: It is true, of course, that religious believers have been prominent among opponents of cloning. But in general, their position has not rested on doctrines about, say, ensoulment, still less on any belief that God has revealed, […]

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August 13, 2002
Enron & Cisco

The New York Times' Paul Krugman would have you believe that Enron and Cisco Systems are one in the same. True, Enron has filed for bankruptcy, and its main business was trading intangible things, and investors and analysts were too prideful to concede that they never knew exactly how the company made its money -- […]

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