August 29, 2002
WorldCom's woes

The Washington Post has a long article on Worldcom's demise. Thousands of pages of previously undisclosed company documents reviewed by The Washington Post, along with interviews with former employees and people familiar with WorldCom's operations, reveal a grow-at-any-cost culture that made it possible for employees and managers to game the system internally and to deceive […]

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August 29, 2002
The people have spoken

Based on the limited feedback I received in the first day after my site was redesigned the word isthat it looks nice, but the body type was a little difficult to read. No more! It's been changed to a slightly more reader-friendly font. I'm still looking for a little HTML expert consulting advice, otherwise I'll […]

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August 28, 2002
The U.N., poverty, and liberals

I got into a little donnybrook back in late May, as Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill and Bono toured Africa, for decrying how too much aid money finds its way into the black hole that is the U.N. bureaucracy. My good friend Jeff Hauser and I cordially debated (yeah, revisionist history, don't hit a guy while […]

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August 28, 2002
Sept.11 revisited

It may be kinda sappy, but I was reading one of the numerous Sept. 11 anniversary-related stories that the AP is sending over the wires earlier tonight. In a story about the families of the victims of Flight 93, that crashed into the Pennsylvania countryside, and how they are dealing with the loss of their […]

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August 28, 2002
New design debuting

If you're reading my site right now, I'm undergoing a little redesign. It's late at night and I'm working the bugs out. Please feel free to comment about readablity, etc. *UPDATE* OK, it's been about 2 hours. If you've visited in the interim, you've seen a lot of weird stuff. The design still isn't quite […]

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August 27, 2002
The most despicable person in New York

Money-grubbing landlord Denise M. Lyman of New York should be shunned by all New Yorkers. In the aftermath of Sept. 11, Americans of all stripes came together and gave from their pocketbooks. Gave of their time. Gave of their tears. Lyman has decided to take. (CBS)-(NEW YORK)-A New York City landlord is demanding more than […]

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August 27, 2002
Where there's smoke...

Economist Paul Krugman takes on fire policy in his latest diatribe against Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle. mistake. Krugman's attacking Bush, for wanting exactly the same thing for the rest of the fire-ravaged West that Daschle arranged for South Dakota. Thinning of the forests in an effort to minimize the effects of forest fires. […]

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August 26, 2002
The Evil Empire, Part II

I'm still boycotting Chinese-made products, and this article demonstrates some of the reasons why. The police officer was on the run. Like others in the banned Falun Gong spiritual movement, Fang Lihong had been fired, imprisoned and forced to attend months of intense "deprogramming" classes. Unlike most, he was then committed to a psychiatric hospital […]

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August 26, 2002
Muslim nations vs. Muslim people

Several weeks ago I created a little bit of a firestorm by suggesting that the United States should think twice about granting student or tourist visas to people from Arab countries in the wake of Sept. 11. However, in contrast to the way I think United States policy should be vis a vis Islamists and […]

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August 26, 2002
The beginning of the end for VHS?

The New York Times has an article on the emergence of DVDs in the past five years. I got my DVD player a little over 2 1/2 years ago (DON'T BUY RCA) for one simple reason -- widescreen. I've hated for years that filmmakers were forced, for some bizarre reason, to produce the "pan & […]

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