September 3, 2002
Our Friends the Saudis

The misogynistic Saudi regime continues to thumb its nose at the United States. Rep. Dan Burton is leading a Congressional delegation to Saudi Arabia seeking the release of American-born women being held hostage there. When Mr. Burton was talking with Miss Radwan at a Riyadh Starbucks, they had their meeting interrupted by a member of […]

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September 3, 2002
The wonders of WindowsXP

Well I just finished wiping my C: drive clean and re-installing WindowsXP. I'd tried the upgrade and it had been mostly OK for several months, but it just got too unstable. So I'm starting with a clean slate. Unfortunately, as always, there are problems. It seems that my backup of my C: drive did not […]

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September 2, 2002
Obviously you must have confused me with the other Julian Bond

NAACP chairman Julian Bond has an op-ed piece in Sunday's Washington Post in which he makes some pretty peculiar claims. As a longtime and now nonpartisan observer of African American politics... Nonpartisan? This is the same Julian Bond who said Bush "has selected nominees from the Taliban wing of American politics." And... "...he has chosen […]

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September 1, 2002
Marwan Barghouti revisited

I took MSNBC's Eric Alterman to task for his claim that Palestinian terrorist Marwan Barghouti was someone with whom Israel could make peace. Barghouti is the leader of Fatah's Al Aqsa Martyr's Brigades. That's the same peace-loving group that did this: Palestinian militants shot a teenaged girl in the head and killed her on Friday […]

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August 30, 2002
Pearl Harbor revisited

I'm a history buff, and I've read the definitive works on Pearl Harbor and the immediate aftermath by Gordon W. Prange. That's why the story of the discovery of the Japanese midget sub that was sighted and fired-upon by the USS Ward hours before the aerial attack commenced. While it's an interesting bit of history, […]

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August 30, 2002
Krugman's timeline

I won't write too much about Krugman's latest New York Times column. Suffice it to say that Bush is evil (or stupid) and wants to make sure that poor people get poorer. Krugman's column claims or implies the following: 1. Bush knew the tax cut would put the budget into deficit. 2. The tax cut […]

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August 29, 2002
Ignore the woman behind the curtain

I caught this on CNN's Inside Politics a couple of days ago and was waiting for the transcript to pop up so I could share it. The story was about a report on the number of women (not enough) on corporate boards and serving as corporate officers. It prompted the following quote. KIM KELLY, PRESIDENT […]

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August 29, 2002
Curse of the Aztec

Just got finished watching the San Diego State University Choking Aztecs do what they do best against Fresno State -- snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. A 31-yard last-second field goal was blocked -- after they'd done everything else right.

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August 29, 2002
Slowly losing my mind

The Archives for Hoystory are currently unavailable. I've done everything I usually do to make them reappear and it isn't happening. No ETA on their return. *UPDATE* One second they're there. The next second they're gone. I've entered some sort of bizarre Blogger-induced twilight zone that is sure to drive me every-so-slowly to the very […]

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August 29, 2002
On the media and the Westerfield trial

I've been asked by several people what I think about San Diego Union-Tribune photographer Dan Trevan getting banned from the courtroom for taking a picture of Damon and Brenda van Dam as the guilty verdicts were announced in the case last week. Superior Court Judge William Mudd said photographer Dan Trevan violated judicial restrictions by […]

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