September 6, 2002
Away for a long weekend

That's all the posting you're going to until late Monday at the earliest. I'm heading out of town with my church group. The trip was somewhat expensive, so if you're feeling generous, consider dropping a few coin in one of the tip jars to the left.

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September 6, 2002
What's up at K-Mart?

I walked through a K-Mart earlier this evening to pick up a couple of things. I don't usually shop there, but it was close and convenient, so I went in. As I walked through the electronics department I was surprised to see "Blade II" (Rated R) playing on several of the TVs -- as a […]

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September 6, 2002
Did a turnip truck just go by here?

As Hoystory notices a disheveled Paul Krugman dusting himself off. Krugman's latest is just another rant about how Bush is trying to influence the American public by framing the debate -- specifically on "partial privatization" or "private accounts." The Bush team's Orwellian propensities have long been apparent to anyone following its pronouncements on economics. Even […]

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September 5, 2002
Daschle imitates Groucho Marx

Sen. Tom Daschle (D-S.D.) has set the bar higher for military intervention in Iraq. Previously "His Obstructionist" demanded, rightly, that Bush needs to make the case to Congress. Now, Daschle wants more. Although Bush expressed the hope earlier this week of receiving a vote of support before Congress recesses in a few weeks, Daschle indicated […]

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September 5, 2002
Sept. 11 remembered

Columnist Mark Steyn has a great article in The Spectator today. There's only one minor mistake -- Anna Nicole Smith's show is on E! not MTV. The best part: When an opinion-former's caught unawares, he retreats to his tropes, however lame, as Lahr did, and Pilger, Chomsky et al. But the clearest way to understand […]

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September 5, 2002
Whoever wants to run for Senate against Dianne Feinstein

Make sure you use this quote, courtesy of "Best of the Web Today." Returning from a jaunt overseas, Feinstein revealed that she came across some anti-American sentiment: "As an American, I have always been proud," Feinstein said. "I have a (U.S. flag) pin. I was embarrassed to wear it." Dianne, the proper response is to […]

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September 5, 2002
Wholly-owned subsidiaries

The Wall Street Journal's Kimberly Strassel demonstrates that the NAACP isn't the Democratic Party's only wholly-owned subsidiary.

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September 5, 2002
More on our friends the Saudis

I spotted this item last week over at National Review Online, but never got around to addressing it. A piece by Kathryn Jean Lopez takes Congress to task for considering a bill "allowing American servicewomen and other Prince Sultan airbase personnel to go off base without the attire the kingdom of Saudi Arabia requires all […]

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September 5, 2002
Bill O'Reilly's bad week

Usually I like Fox News' Bill O'Reilly. While I don't always agree with him, I think he does good work -- but this week hasn't been kind to Fox News' wunderkind. Exhibit A is his participation in a Saudi public relations campaign to keep American Pat Roush's now-adult daughters in the world's largest women's prison […]

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September 4, 2002
Want to go to war? You've got to get shot at first

The San Diego Union-Tribune's Lionel Van Deerlin takes up the cause of the doves with his position that you're not allowed to advocate a war unless you've been in combat. Still, I have to wonder about the raucous calls we hear for storming ramparts in far-off places. Might such clamor come with greater credibility -- […]

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