September 13, 2002
Lucky me, I hit the trifecta

I used to read The New York Times editorial pages for laughs. Now I read them because, well, someone has to do it. The sad thing is, the Times' op-ed pages are the most monolithic of any American newspaper outside the New York Post or The Washington Times. In today's New York Times we are […]

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September 12, 2002
Advertising Watch

It's understood in newspaper circles that you don't place certain stories on the same page as certain ads. For example, when I worked at the North County Times we unwittingly placed the bios of victims of the Columbine school shooting on the same page as a gun show ad. Similarly you don't place stories on […]

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September 12, 2002
And now, in sports

A friend of mine suggested I comment on the San Diego Chargers (finally) signing first-round pick (No.5 overall) Quentin Jammer. I don't know what Chargers General Manager John Butler was trying to prove by trying to sign Jammer for less than the No. 6 pick. Fans would've been on the Chargers' side if Jammer was […]

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September 11, 2002
Pot, meet kettle

MSNBC's Eric Alterman decides that he doesn't like Andrew Sullivan much -- probably because Sullivan's been on every liberal's favorite economist -- Paul Krugman -- like white on rice. (Full disclosure: A mention back in May by Sullivan got me my highest-traffic day -- but not $50,000.) Apparently the online magazine Salon has hired Sullivan […]

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September 11, 2002
Compare and contrast

America's two major newspapers offer vastly different takes on the one-year anniversary of the most deadly terrorist attack on American soil. The New York Times offers a thoughtful, well written piece on September 11, 2001, and how the nation has changed since then. Although America was bound together by emotion on Sept. 11, 2001, America […]

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September 10, 2002
Liberals in search of a new idea

The San Diego Union-Tribune's James Goldsborough continues the bogus argument that one must have served in the military in order to support using the military to "kill people and break things." Bush, who knows so little about the world, is allowing people who have never fought and never served to define policy. A speech-writer dreamed […]

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September 10, 2002
Krugman and perspective

Sometimes I just have to shake my head after reading Paul Krugman columns. You've got to wonder exaclty what goes through this man's head. Our leaders and much of the media tell us that we're a nation at war. But that was a bad metaphor from the start, and looks worse as time goes by. […]

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September 10, 2002
A return to sanity and an omen of things to come?

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, which previously brought you that atheist hit "The Pledge of Allegiance is Unconstitutional," has ruled that a public school near Seattle violated a student's rights by refusing to give her Bible club the same rights and privileges granted other student groups. The ruling by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court […]

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September 10, 2002
Bill O'Reilly redux

The Wall Street Journal's William McGurn defends his assessment of Fox News' Bill O'Reilly over O'Reilly's bungled effort to get honest answers from American Pat Roush's daughters who have been held in Saudi Arabia for more than a decade. McGurn is correct in his assessment -- it's likely the worst journalism O'Reilly has done in […]

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September 10, 2002
Back to blogging

I got back from my weekend trip early this evening and spent the time catching up on football games I missed over the weekend. The SDSU Aztecs lost (no surprise) and the Chargers knocked the Cincinati Bengals around like a paper tiger. Here's where I spent my weekend: I'm also catching up on my news-watching. […]

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