December 21, 2002
Religion and public life

There's a couple of pieces of news today on what appears to be a new religious test for office. While liberal commentators often like to compare religious conservatives to the Taliban, it's the liberals who are acting like the Taliban. If you fail to meet their requirements (atheism or "culturally" Christian -- that is, you […]

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December 20, 2002
Web advertising gone mad

It seems as though the bane of Web surfers everywhere -- the dreaded pop-under ad -- is getting even more annoying. According to this report over at CNet's, new ads will "kick" you to Orbitz, or another advertiser using similar technology, merely by moving your mouse over the ad. No clicking required. The brain-dead […]

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December 20, 2002
Separation of Church/State issues

In James Taranto's "Best of the Web Today" he refers to the following story in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. I can't make this stuff up: A Venango County elementary school performance was canceled after parents objected to scenes in which third- through fifth-grade students re-enacted human sacrifices in the Aztec civilization. The performance, titled "Bizarre Bazaar," […]

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December 20, 2002
The Two Towers

I saw the latest installment of Director Peter Jackson's epic trilogy on Wednesday. Yes, I know it's two days later -- but I've needed the time to really digest it. The film is excellent, and should, once again, be nominated for a fistful of Oscars. The Two Towers is about the primal battle of Good […]

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December 20, 2002
Rip Van Krugman

Today's offering from New York Times columnist Paul Krugman is more of what we've come to expect from the Democrats' snarky hatchet man. I'll start with the last part first, because it is really the central issue. It may be that the bad few weeks the administration has just had were the result of random […]

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December 19, 2002
On the "states rights" codeword

Steven Hayward over at National Review Online has a piece defending former president Ronald Reagan from the false and frivolous racism charges with which some race-baiters have tried to tar as many Republicans as they can. To be sure, it is difficult to imagine that Reagan was oblivious to the historical baggage of the phrase […]

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December 18, 2002
More on our friends the Saudis

The American people aren't buying Saudi Arabia's PR offensive, with good reason. Two more Westerners -- one of them a Canadian -- have stepped forward with allegations that they were tortured by Saudi officials who wanted them to confess to bombings in Riyadh. The allegations will be aired tonight on the CBC program The Fifth […]

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December 18, 2002
Bill Clinton go away

That paragon of morality, impeached former-president Bill "Slick Willy" Clinton accuses Republicans who criticize Sen. Trent Lott of being hypocritical. "How do they think they got a majority in the South anyway?" Clinton told CNN outside a business luncheon he was attending. "I think what they are really upset about is that he made public […]

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December 17, 2002
I'm gonna miss him

Christopher Badeaux is hanging up his blogger's cap. I'm gonna miss him. Go check out his adieu.

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December 16, 2002
Tips for visitors to Iraq

The Happy Fun Pundit has a list of do's, don'ts and questions to ask. They pick on Sean Penn, but Nicholas Kristof could've used a few of them when he visited earlier this year. A sampling: When they offer to take you to the children's hospital, refuse. They always take you to a children's hospital. […]

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