October 15, 2002
I can't make this stuff up

House Minority Leader Richard Gebhardt (I'm adopting the Babs spelling of his name until election day), has unveiled the Democrats' budget plan, and made a laughable accusation. In a speech to the Economic Policy Institute, a liberal think tank, House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt of Missouri accused President Bush and his Republican allies in Congress […]

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October 14, 2002
I love letters to the editor

Especially this one from the Los Angeles Times. Re where Davis receives political contributions: What difference does it make where a prostitute conducts business; the intent is the same anywhere. Ed Pollack Apple Valley That one's funny. This one is simply too true -- and representative of how a great number of Californians feel. So, […]

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October 14, 2002
Poor, misunderstood Palestinians

So sayeth the Union-Tribune's James Goldsborough in his Monday column. While making some well-considered points regarding the recent 10-day siege of Arafat's compound by Israeli forces, Goldsborough systematically ignores the plight of Israeli civilians who face suicide bomb attacks on an almost-daily basis. Not only is America nearing the brink of war with Iraq, but […]

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October 14, 2002
Stupid Cheerleader Stories

I was never treated particularly well by cheerleaders in high school, so anytime I hear stories of cheerleaders living up to their ditsy stereotype, I express a kind of peculiar glee. At a local high school football game last Friday night, five varsity cheerleaders showed up sloshed. They were caught (of course) and received a […]

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October 14, 2002

If you haven't been closely following the story on the purported e-mail that "proved" army secretary and former Enron executive Thomas White knew about the funny accounting going on at that company -- thereby complicit in duping investors -- then Patrick Sullivan has an excellent "the story so far" piece here. (Thanks to Henry Hanks […]

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October 14, 2002
Fareed Zakaria, Christian Theologian

You can debate the wisdom or accuracy of Jerry Falwell's comments on "60 Minutes" last week calling Mohammed a terrorist, but Zakaria might want to watch it when he says, on ABC's "This Week," that those comments and similar ones made by Pat Robertson and Franklin Graham are "un-Christian." Christianity is a unique among religions […]

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October 13, 2002
That makes me hungry

Interesting op-ed piece by Max Boot (what a cool name) over at The Washington Post. It's entitled "Doctrine of the Big Enchilada."

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October 13, 2002
Shoot the headline writer

The front page summary graph over at washingtonpost.com reads: "Contradicting polls, thousands in Bay Area rally against attacking Iraq." A better word might be "defying" or possibly "in contrast to," but "contradicting" is definitely the wrong word. In the story itself, there is reference to a poll question that is, well, questionable. Most Americans -- […]

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October 13, 2002
Would anybody notice?

The do-nothing Senate still hasn't passed the necessary appropriations bills for this fiscal year. Of course, it really doesn't matter, because, as the New York Times reports, the federal government's books make Enron's look like a textbook example of accounting principles. But that aside, the most interesting factoid is the first paragraph of the second […]

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October 13, 2002
A tragic day for popular history

Bestselling author Stephen E. Ambrose died today. I've read several of Ambrose's books, most recently "Band of Brothers," and he was an excellent author. In recent months, there was an uproar over some passages in Ambrose's books that were apparently lifted directly from other sources. But, setting that aside, Ambrose will be remembered for doing […]

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