The American Prospect is taking nominations for the best liberal bloggers. I've always wanted to be part of such a list on such a highly-respected Web site. I've been trying for months to get Glenn Reynolds' Instapundit to put me on his list of "Recommended sites" without success. So TAP is an acceptable second choice.
I know that many of you may suspect that I am not, in fact, a liberal. You may read through my blog and pigeonhole me as some right-wing conservative ideologue.
You'd be wrong. I'm actually quite liberal.
- I'm for liberal use of prayer in public schools
- I'm for liberal use of the accelerator in motor vehicles
- I'm for liberal use of the "mute" button when Geraldo Rivera is on TV
- I'm for the liberal use of capital punishment
- I'm for the liberal issuance of concealed-carry permits to law-abiding Americans
- I'm for the liberal use of force in trying to kill Usama bin Laden
- I'm for the liberal use of force in trying to kill Palestinian terrorists
- I'm for the liberal use of mustard on hot dogs.
- I'm for the liberal use of the Amazon Honor System link on the left
- I'm for the liberal use of torture on al Qaeda terrorists at Guantanamo Bay
- I'm for liberal raises for all journalists -- especially those at The San Diego Union-Tribune
As you can see, I think I'm quite qualified -- please nominate me!