The Palestinian Authority's U.S. Representative, Hasan Abdel Rahman, is on CSPAN-2 right now speaking to the National Press Club. Seeing him in this forum, as opposed to being challenged by Bill O'Reilly or Alan Keyes, distresses me. He's fielding softball questions which refer to "Israeli spin."
Rahman actually made the claim that Palestinians were a peaceful people before 1967 and that it is a result of Israeli brutality that they have become a people known for suicide/homicide bombings.
Yeah, that explains it. Wasn't it the Torah that says: "The Jews fight you, but Allah will establish you as rulers over them. Until the Jew would hide behind a stone or a tree, and the stone or the tree would say: Oh Muslim, Oh servant of Allah, a Jew is hiding behind me, come kill him, with the exception of the Gharqad tree which is the tree of the Jews...' "