Matthew Hoy
By Matthew Hoy on January 22, 2002

Zero-Tolerence Stupidity: I've never been impressed by the so-called zero-tolerance craze. Too often it takes common sense out of the equation, and just ends up being stupid. In the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks, the airlines have taken to confiscating toenail clippers in passengers carry-on bags. Sorry, but if someone tries to hijack a plane using toenail clippers, every single passenger would just whack them up-side the head...after they'd finished laughing. A toenail clipper is not a threat. More of a threat would be some women's inch-long fingernails...maybe they should have those trimmed before passengers are allowed on planes.

The latest case of stupidity is perpetrated by America West Airlines. Retired Gen. Joseph J. Foss was stopped and delayed for nearly an hour because he had the temerity to try to bring his Medal of Honor onto the aircraft. Yep, that's right, Gen. Foss, 86, is one of approximately 150 living Americans who have been awarded the highest commedation the military can bestow. Foss was awarded the medal by FDR for shooting down 26 Japanese planes during WWII. Foss is also the former governor of South Dakota and a former commissioner of the old American Football League.

So, what does America West have to say about the incident?

Patty Nowack, spokeswoman for America West, said she could not respond to specific questions about the Foss case, as she cannot verify he flew on the airline. She could not say whether there would be any security concerns about a medal but that it would cause a metal detector to go off.

"Our primary objective is to ensure the safety and security of all passengers and employees. We're not trying to single out any individual," she said yesterday.

Lessee, an 86-year-old white guy with a MEDAL OF HONOR needs to be harassed. Let's bring some sanity back to this issue. Memo to airlines: Old, white guys aren't hijacking planes and flying them into buildings.

You can read the entire story here.


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January 2002



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