I've talked quite a bit about the persecution that Christians suffer in Islamic states around the globe, but don't think that those are the only places where Christians suffer persecution. China is still one country where Christians are jailed, tortured and executed for their faith.
The latest incident regards a Christian sect known as the "Shouters." Now, I've searched the Internet high and low and have had difficulty finding information on exactly what this group's doctrinal beliefs are. About the only thing I've found is that they believe that prayers should be shouted to God, hence their name. If anyone can point me to more information, I'd appreciate it.
Apparently the Shouters were trying to get some Bibles into China -- 33,080 to be exact. What is the penalty for bringing Bibles into China? Death.
President Bush has expressed his concern to the Chinese government, but that's not enough. Now that the U.S. has extended Permanent Normal Trade Relations to China, we don't have the annual review of their human-rights record to use as a stick. Not that we ever used it as a stick. China needs the U.S. much more than the U.S. needs China. I've been boycotting Chinese-made products ever since they shot down our surveillance plane. I'd like to encourage everyone else to do the same until China has a Democratic government that does not brutalize Christians.